Xvario for portraiture

Its been a crazy day. I undertook a portraiture project using just Xvario and in the afternoon i took the same camera for street photography. Now, i realize that Xvario’s contrast based focusing did miss focus quite a number of times where subject is backlighted, this is why mastering the zone focusing works wonders.

5 things that can affect your images more than anything else {portraiture}

Some say a tool is just a tool. Some say a high quality sensor, FF and a set of premium lens helps a long way in making any images stands out more. Some opt for higher resolution while others harp on low light performance and high iso cleanliness. Some say all you need is the … Continue reading 5 things that can affect your images more than anything else {portraiture}

Switching from DSLR back to s̶t̶u̶p̶i̶d̶ Leica {irony}

I am now using a Leica ME. Before you discard this post as yet another leica fanboy article or blind faith, kindly spare me a minute..or two and read up. I started using Leica M9 three(3) years ago when i started portraiture, because of the cost of the camera, i was constantly mastering it and speeding … Continue reading Switching from DSLR back to s̶t̶u̶p̶i̶d̶ Leica {irony}

Photography Reset : One single truth that you can’t afford to miss out

Photokina 2014 is here and over. New gears, new lust, new features, new comparisons. While the world goes on its normal course and manufacturers praying to increase its fair share of the market, i was totally oblivious to it. I was on a course of self discovery. Discovering the things that really do matters to … Continue reading Photography Reset : One single truth that you can’t afford to miss out